I inspired some-one or two – apparently!!!

Huge thanks to my beautiful daughter, Emma, for nominating me for my very first blog award!! Do you think she might be biased? Oh well, I’m just happy she loves me and the inspiring blogger award is a bonus. Emma and her family are the faces behind this little gem, http://addyourpieceofhistory.wordpress.com/

I’m going to cheat a little here because I was also nominated for another one recently from the lovely Jenn over at http://jennsmidlifecrisis.com and because it’s my blog and I can just make up the rules as I go (or maybe I’m not supposed to but I will) and the rules are the same, you get a twofer – that’s a two for one and I get to do this just once!! Wow, that’s great sentence building there, lets just continue shall we?

Now comes the difficult part.

The rules of accepting the Very Inspiring Blogger Award are:

1.  Display the Award Certificate on your website.

2.  Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented you with the award.

3.  Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.

4.  Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have linked them in the post.

5.  Post 7 interesting things about yourself

Okay, the first two were easy enough and I’ll list some of my very favourite blogs after I’ve dug deep in the cotton wool inside my head to come up with 7 interesting things about myself.

I’m guessing No. 1 on the list at the moment is that I’ve left home and family to go travelling for a fair chunk of this year, at the moment I’m in Scotland and I’ll soon be heading over to spend the next four months or so in Europe

I have a tattoo, an angel in memory of our last baby who died when she was five and a half weeks old

I have a double jointed thumb!!!

I almost died when I was about 8 months old and was consequently diagnosed as a coeliac

Ummmmm, I’m really not that interesting – I’m a worrier and have battled depression more than once – bit deep and meaningful there, sorry!

I didn’t spend a Christmas with my Mum, Dad and brothers until I was 20

Bugger, that’s still only six, I should have read some other blogs to see what sort of things people share – okay, l love being in water, whether it’s a swimming pool, a dam, the ocean or just the shower, it makes me feel good.

Okay, hope I haven’t scared you off, now for some bloggers who I find interesting, funny, inspiring – these are in no particular order, they’ve all wonderful.

The Palladian Traveler

My French Heaven

Homesick and Heatstruck

Jenns Midlife Crisis

Erin Hill Sketching

Dianne Gray author

Travelling Crone

The Brown Road Chronicles

Add Your Piece of History

The Bloggess

Miss Four Eyes

Sketch Away: Travels with my Sketchbook

ParisDreamTime – Andrea’s Sketchbook


She’s a Maineiac

I hope I’ve played the game correctly, and that you go check out some of these great blogs.



Filed under Blog Awards

2 responses to “I inspired some-one or two – apparently!!!

  1. It sounds like you’ve lead a very interesting life (so very sad to hear about your baby).

    Congratulations on the award – it’s very well deserved and thank you so much for the nomination. I’m very flattered indeed 😀


    • Thanks Dianne, I think I must have been a bit down while writing my answers, in all honesty even with the difficult parts, I’ve had a wonderful life and am living out a dream at the moment.


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